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    Building applications & models for Avatar, TTS and Speech

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    Text to Speech Characters Voice Generation Software

    What is Gan.AI ?

    Studio by Gan.AI is a platform for personalized video outreach. It provides a free video recorder and a set of AI-powered personalization features. GanOS (coming soon) is an API playground and platform for developers with state-of-the art Avatar, Lipsync, TTS and Speech APIs.

    What is the usage scenario of Gan.AI ?

    1. Creating personalized video content for marketing campaigns.
    2. Generating voiceovers in multiple languages for various applications.
    3. Developing lifelike avatars for virtual interactions.
    4. Synchronizing lip movements in videos for enhanced viewer engagement.
    5. Producing customized thank-you videos for customer engagement.
    6. Creating hyper-targeted advertisements based on user data.
    7. Generating personalized greetings and messages for events.
    8. Facilitating conversational AI interactions in customer service.

    What are the highlights of Gan.AI ?

    1. Supports text-to-speech in 22 Indic languages and English.
    2. Offers high-quality, low-latency speech generation for real-time applications.
    3. Provides APIs for video personalization, avatar creation, and lip sync.
    4. Enables cross-lingual voice cloning for diverse communication needs.
    5. Utilizes advanced AI technology to create hyper-personalized video content.
    6. Backed by a team of experts from leading institutions and companies.
    7. Focuses on privacy and data security with SOC2 and ISO compliance.
    8. Offers a free playground for users to experiment with TTS models.