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    get a summary email for every new podcast episode

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    notes note taking Voice Generation Software Podcasting

    What is PodSnap.AI ?

    Never miss a podcast episode again! Get AI-generated text and audio summaries to your inbox immediately after publication.

    What is the usage scenario of PodSnap.AI ?

    1. Individuals who want to stay updated with their favorite podcasts without listening to entire episodes.
    2. Busy professionals looking for concise summaries of podcast content to save time.
    3. Podcast enthusiasts who want to receive key insights from multiple podcasts directly in their inbox.
    4. Users who prefer audio summaries for on-the-go listening.

    What are the highlights of PodSnap.AI ?

    1. AI-generated summaries delivered immediately after a podcast episode is published.
    2. Access to over 4.2 million podcasts, including popular platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube.
    3. Option to choose from featured podcasts for free summaries.
    4. High-quality audio summaries available for listening.
    5. Flexible pricing plans, including a free tier and a pro subscription for more summaries.