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    The developer portal with an AI assistant you can speak with

    Paid(free trial) 1298 Views Update:

    coding Infrastructure Tools

    What is Rely.io ?

    Rely.io's Internal Developer Portal enables engineering teams to consolidate and unify their engineering stack and gain automated visibility into their software ecosystem. Rely then provides a custom AI assistant trained on the data available in their software catalog so they can automate tasks throughout the software delivery life cycle (SDLC) to 10x their engineering productivity.

    What is the usage scenario of Rely.io ?

    1. Internal developer portal for engineering teams to manage service quality and health.
    2. Centralized platform for tracking software delivery lifecycle and resources.
    3. Self-service capabilities for developers to streamline their workflows and reduce operational overhead.
    4. Governance and compliance tracking for engineering standards and KPIs.
    5. Facilitating collaboration among platform engineers, SREs, DevOps, and product engineers.

    What are the highlights of Rely.io ?

    1. Managed developer experience that enhances autonomy and productivity.
    2. Single point of truth for software ecosystem visibility.
    3. Comprehensive measurement tools for productivity, performance, and reliability.
    4. Automation of best practices and workflows to speed up production.
    5. User-friendly interface designed to address real engineering challenges.