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    AI co-pilot for novel drug manufacturing

    Paid(free trial) 199 Views Update:

    Infrastructure Tools Predictive AI Automation Tools

    What is Reactwise ?

    ReactWise accelerates and automates chemical process development by equipping wet-lab chemists with the power of data-driven optimization and robotic execution of experiments.

    What is the usage scenario of Reactwise ?

    1. Chemical process optimization for researchers in fine chemical manufacturing.
    2. Rapid identification of ideal (bio)chemical process parameters without coding.
    3. Accelerated process development in medicinal chemistry and drug discovery.
    4. Automated pH adjustment in biological systems and formulated products.
    5. Utilization of machine learning for closed-loop optimization in chemical reactions.

    What are the highlights of Reactwise ?

    1. AI Co-Pilot for optimizing chemical processes.
    2. Data-driven optimization that accelerates process development by up to 30x.
    3. No coding required for users to identify optimal process parameters.
    4. Integration of prior data to enhance optimization efficiency.
    5. Support for complex chemical reaction conditions involving continuous and categorical variables.