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    Towards a frictionless engineering organisation

    Paid(free trial) 555 Views Update:

    coding project management ai Metrics and Evaluation Automation Tools

    What is Maxium ?

    Starting out as a Github app, we give you full visibility on your organisation, helping you to manage your team effectively. We categorise code changes into different dev areas (bugs, unit tests, refactoring etc) and we estimate the effort associated with putting together a pull request. Allowing EMs to understand how their engineers spend the majority of their time between planned and unplanned work and improving their ability to cultivate an effective environment for their engineers to work.

    What is the usage scenario of Maxium ?

    1. Measuring developer shipping velocity to enhance productivity in software development teams.
    2. Tracking and analyzing the performance of engineers across different teams to identify bottlenecks.
    3. Resource management by understanding how engineers allocate their time between coding, fixing bugs, and unplanned work.
    4. Providing a standardized evaluation mechanism for diverse tech stacks to ensure accurate measurement of efficiency.

    What are the highlights of Maxium ?

    1. GitHub-native integration that allows easy installation and immediate tracking of shipping velocity.
    2. Custom-built dashboard for organizations to monitor the performance of their engineers.
    3. Tech stack agnostic evaluation mechanism that standardizes code assessment across various programming languages.
    4. Engineer performance index that ranks engineers against industry peers based on similar attributes.
    5. Private by design, ensuring that code changes are encrypted and access is restricted.