detect whether an essay is ChatGPT or human written
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O que é GPTZero ?
An app that can quickly and efficiently detect whether an essay is ChatGPT or human written.
Quais são os cenários de uso do GPTZero?
- Educational tools for students to analyze and understand AI-generated content.
- Content verification for educators to assess the originality of student submissions.
- Support for researchers in evaluating the authenticity of AI-generated texts.
- Assistance for writers and content creators in ensuring their work is original and not AI-generated.
Quais são os destaques da característica do GPTZero?
- Real-time analysis of text to determine if it is AI-generated.
- User-friendly interface that allows easy input of text for evaluation.
- High accuracy in distinguishing between human-written and AI-generated content.
- Integration capabilities with other educational and content creation tools.
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