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    Chat, Match, Hire with AI. No more BS.

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    job search job interviews resumes hr

    What is MyKaya ?

    MyKaya is an AI-powered hiring tool that simplifies recruitment. It matches companies with top talent using ChatGPT-like interactions. Type your job requirements, and MyKaya finds ideal candidates, streamlining your hiring process and saving time.

    What is the usage scenario of MyKaya ?

    1. Businesses looking to streamline their hiring process and reduce time-to-hire.
    2. Recruiters seeking to find ideal candidates quickly by inputting job requirements.
    3. Job seekers wanting to be matched automatically with suitable job opportunities.
    4. Companies aiming to enhance communication and scheduling for interviews without the hassle of email exchanges.

    What are the highlights of MyKaya ?

    1. AI-driven candidate matching based on job requirements.
    2. Streamlined scheduling that allows candidates to book interviews according to recruiter availability.
    3. Enhanced communication tools to reduce email back-and-forth.
    4. AI assistance for candidates to improve their profiles for better visibility.
    5. Fast tracking of hiring processes, with reported time-to-hire reduced to less than 3 days.