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    Accounting software, that does the work for you

    Paid(free trial) 908 Views Update:


    What is Kick ?

    Backed by OpenAI, Kick helps the modern Entrepreneur and Accountant automate their business life. Free to use–or it pays for itself.

    What is the usage scenario of Kick ?

    1. Small business owners looking to automate their bookkeeping processes.
    2. Accountants seeking a collaborative platform for managing multiple clients' finances.
    3. Entrepreneurs who want to focus on growing their business rather than managing finances.
    4. Real estate investors needing efficient financial tracking and reporting.
    5. Marketing agencies aiming to streamline their financial operations.

    What are the highlights of Kick ?

    1. Self-driving bookkeeping that automates accounting tasks.
    2. Real-time auto-categorization of business transactions.
    3. Customizable rules to adapt to specific business needs.
    4. Insights into profitability and spending with detailed breakdowns.
    5. Support for unlimited business entities without additional costs.
    6. Dual-entry accounting system designed for collaboration with tax advisors.
    7. Tax-ready financial statements including Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet.
    8. User-friendly interface that simplifies bookkeeping tasks.